No man ever steps in the same river twice, stated Heraclitus. PGAC Hotel renovation was developed under this premise, dealing with a new multi-faceted experience of the building.
The erected infrastructure was reinterpreted by a series of strategic changes. The new entrance totally modifies the sense of arrival and the movement inside the building, including new connections to the auditorium and the meeting area.
All new living areas are extended to the redesigned outdoor spaces in the search of the warm and joyful Mediterranean way of life. Boundaries were dissolved into a new dense and intense atmosphere, where all the small details contribute to the general comfort.
No man ever steps in the same river twice, stated Heraclitus. PGAC Hotel renovation was developed under this premise, dealing with a new multi-faceted experience of the building.
The erected infrastructure was reinterpreted by a series of strategic changes. The new entrance totally modifies the sense of arrival and the movement inside the building, including new connections to the auditorium and the meeting area.
All new living areas are extended to the redesigned outdoor spaces in the search of the warm and joyful Mediterranean way of life. Boundaries were dissolved into a new dense and intense atmosphere, where all the small details contribute to the general comfort.
The mixture of materials, detailing and geometry transform the everyday acts. All 150 rooms were redesigned with a new layout: lightness, comfort and timelessness.
The new definition of the exterior spaces sensually faces the curved shape of the main building, reinforcing it with some baroque geometrical strategies. Thus, the new pool and facilities dynamically play, counteracting the room’s wing shape.
Time is transformed into materiality.
PGAC Hotel Renovation
PGA Catalunya Resort. NII Km 701, Caldes de Malavella, Girona.
Golf Hotel Malavella S.L.
Lagula Arquitectes; Lázaro Rosa Violán Contemporary Studio
Main Collaborators
Ordeic (Installations); Brufau Cusó Estudi (BOQ); Espai Basic (Construction Supervision)
Main Contractor